By Industry

SOC PR Article in Newsweek now available in 11languages

As a leading manufacturer of fuses, SOC has been targeting electric vehicle markets for decades by developing high-performance and high-reliability fuses.
The August 13, 2021 edition of “Newsweek International” published a special report on Japan’s Monozukuri including a PR article of SOC featuring President Kayoko Arikawa wherein she shares her thoughts on safety, trust and future dreams.
The article also highlights SOC’s management philosophy, which values the relationship of trust with customers above all, its history of fuse development for more than half a century, world-leading technology, initiatives aimed at electric vehicles, and some main products such as PT series and MCF3.
With a focus on reaching out to and expanding business with current and potential customers globally, we are pleased to inform you that this article is now available for download in the following ten languages in addition to its original in English.


English, Japanese,
Chinese (simplified),
Chinese (traditional),
Korean, German, French,
Spanish, Portuguese,
Turkish, Russian